Periodontal instruments are dental tools specifically designed for the diagnosis, treatment, and maintenance of periodontal diseases, which affect the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. These instruments are essential for dental professionals, including periodontists and dental hygienists, in managing various conditions related to gum health. Some common periodontal instruments include:

  1. Periodontal Probes: These instruments are used to measure the depth of periodontal pockets around teeth. Periodontal probes help assess the health of the gums and identify areas of inflammation or gum disease.
  2. Scalers: Scalers are used to remove plaque, tartar (calculus), and bacterial biofilm from the tooth surface, particularly along the gumline and below it. They come in various shapes and sizes to access different areas of the mouth.
  3. Curettes: Curettes are similar to scalers but have rounded tips. They are used to clean and smooth the tooth root surface and remove diseased tissue from the pockets surrounding the teeth. Curettes are often used in deep cleaning procedures known as scaling and root planing.
  4. Ultrasonic Scalers: Ultrasonic scalers use high-frequency vibrations to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from the tooth surface and below the gumline. They are effective for deep cleaning and are often used in conjunction with manual instruments.
  5. Periodontal Knives: These sharp, surgical instruments are used in periodontal surgery to access and treat deeper areas of the gums and bone. Periodontal knives are utilized in procedures such as gum grafting and pocket reduction surgery.
  6. Bone Files: Bone files are used during periodontal surgery to shape and smooth the bone around the teeth after the removal of diseased tissue. They help create a clean, smooth surface for optimal healing and reattachment of the gums to the bone.

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